<aside> ✍🏽 How to Record a Conversation



<aside> 📖 Lectio Resources

<aside> 🗨️ Facilitator Guide

Entering Awareness Facilitator Guide.pdf


<aside> 👤 About Us


This is us and our kids (+ our pets somewhere off camera).

Emily is a therapist and expert in trauma. Ben is a consultant/coach who helps leaders be the kind of people others want to follow.

We love creating and teaching ways to be more fully human, but they all start with conversations, mistakes, and experiences we have right here at home.

Trust us when we say: we are using the same tools and ideas from Entering Awareness in our own lives.

We hope this process is as helpful to you as it is to us.

Emily & Ben

P.S. We’d love to hear from you! Please send us an email to let us know what Entering Awareness did for you.

[email protected]


<aside> <img src="/icons/list-indent_blue.svg" alt="/icons/list-indent_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Index

Start Here

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5



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Copyright Story Shaped Life, LLC